Also what worries me about teaching and posting opinions is James chapter 3 verse 1:
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, because you know that we will be judged more strictly.
This verse scares the bageesus out of me. God's word said that God will judge me for the things that I teach other people. The things that I put out there and tell others and treat as what should be known and followed, God will hold me to even more strictly and severely. (This came up in our weekly Bible study and caused much discussion.) My life must be free from the blemish of hypocrisy and be covered in the cloth of truth and integrity. Even more so since I am charged with the teaching and training of many college students, and now the ones who read this.
I understand that in the past 23 days I have been blogging like a madman. I have also been posting like a madman. I believe the purpose of a blog is to be written and read. So thanks for bearing with me for these 23 days, and I beg you to bear with me for the next 17. I will be posting less after that.
So let us all who blog be aware that the things we say will be held against us. That is not to say that we need not to blog, but let us make sure what we say is backed up with what we do.
Until next time
Hair the Theolobster
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